Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Stay Away With These Foods For Better Teeth and Mouth

pelangsing badan

Stay Away With These Foods For Better Teeth and Mouth


Fewer people understand that the type of food taken and the frequency of swallowing has a major effect on oral health. Until now, most people can only complain about problems such as plaque, cavities, bleeding gums, teeth yellowing up to bad breath without any understanding that one of the triggers is to consume a variety of food types too much. According to research from 947 respondents in Indonesia, 89% know some type of food consumed everyday can have the potential to interfere with dental health and mouth. Here are drinks and foods that have the potential to interfere with dental and oral health: 1. Drink and caffeinated foods Based on the survey in Greater Jakarta, 56% of men and 45% of women often consume coffee compared to other drinks. Although in fact, if consumed constantly, caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee can increase the acid content in the mouth that changes the color of teeth so yellowish. Your smile becomes uncomfortable. 2. High sugar foods Who does not like sweet foods? Snacks such as candy, cookies, chocolate, so easy to consume to delay hungry. The danger, when we chew food high sugar content, bacteria in the mouth will also make the arrangement of teeth so soft to cause cavities. Beyond that, the remnants of sweet foods that linger on the sidelines of teeth also have the potential to cause gingivitis and bad breath. 3. Foods that contain acid (acid) Some acidic foods such as pickled fruit, pickled and yogurt, relatively have a high acidity that can make damage on the outside of the teeth. When consumed constantly, some of these foods have the potential to cause damage to the oral cavity in the long period. You could have consumed drinks and food if the frequency is limited. Beyond that, balance out with appropriate dental and mouth care. Brushing your teeth regularly is less because just clean 25% of the mouth space. The remnants of the drink and the food may have lagged behind the difficult to reach. Therefore, it is advisable to complete the treatment with the use of mouthwash. Mouthwash can reach several difficult sides in the mouth until the mouth is borne clean of the remains of food that is attached to the teeth. So guide, make sure the mouthwash with complete protection like Listerine Multi Protect. Listerine Multi Protect contains four essential oils, zinc and fluoride that can provide comprehensive protection for teeth and mouth, avoiding bacterial development and strengthening the order of tooth enamel. Based on clinical trials, this newest innovation mouthwash can handle six dental and oral problems that are often faced by Indonesians. Use 2 x one day regularly after brushing and after meals for maximum protection. Do not forget, visit your dentist regularly to check your dental and mouth health. Want to try free samples from Listerine Multi Protect? Check here. (adv / adv)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Willst du Dating aber weniger "PD"? Tipps: Verbringen Sie 30 Minuten für Sport

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Willst du Dating aber weniger "PD"? Tipps: Verbringen Sie 30 Minuten für Sport


Jakarta, Mangel an Vertrauen kann Dating-Pläne an einem Samstagabend durcheinander bringen. Kein Grund zur Sorge, leichtes Training für eine halbe Stunde kann helfen. Der Bonus, der Körper wird gesünder und fit. Eine Studie an der Universität von British Columbia zeigt andere Vorteile von Bewegung, besonders bei Frauen. Nach dem Training erlebten die Befragten ein erhöhtes Selbstvertrauen, darunter auch ein geringeres Gefühl. Veränderungen in der Wahrnehmung des Körperbildes, wie von Dailymail zitiert, dauerten bis zu 20 Minuten nach dem Sport. Laut Wissenschaftlern, die forschen, kann dies negative Gedanken überwinden, die oft das Selbstvertrauen untergraben. Lesen Sie auch: Miss V Missing Love während des Sports In dieser Studie beteiligten Wissenschaftler 60 Frauen mit einer Geschichte des Habens von Körperbildproblemen oder vorherigem Selbstbild. Die Befragten wurden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt, von denen einige für 30 Minuten und einige für 30 Minuten lasen. Frauen wurden in dieser Studie als Befragte ausgewählt, da nach Meinung von Wissenschaftlern das Körperbildproblem am häufigsten in dieser Gruppe zu finden ist. Negative Gedanken über das Körperbild haben oft Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit, zum Beispiel auf Essstörungen und sogar Depressionen. Lesen Sie auch: Plötzlich fleißig Sport beim Fasten? Diese Arztbotschaft durfte nicht verletzt werden (nach oben / nach oben)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Nuotare dopo Nge-gym può aiutare ad aumentare la massa muscolare?


Nuotare dopo Nge-gym può aiutare ad aumentare la massa muscolare?


Jakarta, caro dott. Michael. Voglio chiedere a Doc, attualmente sto seguendo di nuovo fitness o ngegym per aumentare il mio peso, prima che il mio peso sotto i 45-50 kg. Per ora includo il nuoto dopo ogni ngegym, va bene e soprattutto per l'aumento di peso? (Jenny, 26 anni) AnswerDear Jen, aumentare il peso che deriva dall'aumento della massa muscolare può essere fatto facendo uno sport che non si può ottenere abbastanza peso. destra. Ciò significa che l'intensità dell'attività fisica dovrebbe essere sufficiente per bruciare i grassi, ma non dovrebbe essere eccessiva perché causerebbe danni alla massa muscolare, ancor più quando l'inclusione di cibo insufficiente per formare la massa muscolare in questione. Così dovrebbe sempre essere fatto utilizzando uno strumento di misurazione dell'analizzatore di grasso corporeo per l'esercizio fisico e l'assunzione di cibo è abbastanza efficace per raggiungere l'obiettivo dell'esercizio. Aggiungere una piscina che è un esercizio aerobico, naturalmente, può aiutare il processo di bruciare il grasso corporeo in eccesso, ma se fatto dopo aver completato l'allenamento con i pesi, c'è la possibilità che si verifichino degli spasmi muscolari dovuti all'affaticamento e alla perdita di elettroliti corporei eccessivi. Per sicurezza, si dovrebbe fare prima il pool e dopo il completamento del nuovo lavoro con il carico. Per il cibo dovrebbe essere fatto utilizzando cibi liquidi come latte e vari prodotti come il succo di frutta aggiunto latte, budino e quindi non si sente troppo riempiendo. Michael Triangto, specialista in medicina sportiva SpKODokter Direttore clinico Slim and Health dell'ospedale Mitra Kemayoran e Taman Anggrek Mall Jakarta Coordinatore della medicina sportiva presso l'Associazione PB Badminton in Indonesia (PBSI) Membro del team di esperti dell'Associazione golf indonesiana (IGP) (hrn / vit)